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The Natural History Museum | Things to Do in London

Originally published on September 28, 2024 | Last updated on September 28, 2024

The Natural History Museum | Things to Do in London

As a born and bred Londoner, I’m very grateful to live in a city with so many things to explore and do. One place worth visiting in my city is the Natural History Museum, located in South Kensington.

The Natural History Museum | Things to Do in London

The Natural History Museum officially opened in 1881, but its origins date back to 1753, when the collection of naturalist Sir Hans Sloane was acquired by the British Museum. As the collection grew, it became necessary to build a dedicated space, and architect Alfred Waterhouse designed the museum’s magnificent building in South Kensington. Today, it’s one of the world’s most renowned institutions for natural history.

The Natural History Museum | Things to Do in London - dinosaurs
The Natural History Museum | Things to Do in London - dinosaurs

The museum is a trove of exhibits, showcasing everything from dinosaurs to birds to minerals. It is well-known for its dinosaur exhibition. The skeleton of the massive T. rex is a must-see. Interactive displays and life-like models bring the many types of dinosaurs to life, making it easy to imagine how they moved and lived millions of years ago. I found it interesting to learn about how these dinosaurs lived, hunted, and interacted with their environments.

The Natural History Museum | Things to Do in London - birds

Like me, dinosaurs are probably the first thing that come to your mind when you think of The Natural History Museum, but there’s also so many other things to view. The museum’s collection of animals is very impressive– you can see models of species from every corner of the globe. The museum is home to an incredible collection of birds, mammals, reptiles, insects and more. Another interesting part of the museum is the Earth Hall. This section looks into the history of our planet, exploring everything from volcanic eruptions to the formation of minerals. Although it was shut during my recent visit, you are able to walk through a giant model of the Earth’s core.

The Natural History Museum | Things to Do in London - earth core
The Natural History Museum | Things to Do in London

A great thing about the museum is the fact that its free — which is always a perk. If you ever find yourself looking for somewhere to visit in London, definitely take a few hours to explore this museum. Even if, like myself, you visited years ago, it will still captivate you and make for a great day out.

What’s your favourite museum? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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Telina is the writer behind, a book and lifestyle blog that aims to inspire you to embrace your love of reading and find joy in the everyday. You'll find book reviews, recommendations, reading advice, lifestyle content, and tips on living your best life.

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