Lifestyle Living

30-Day Self-Care Challenge (Free Printable!)

30-Day Self-Care Challenge (Free Printable!)

Taking care of yourself is crucial for your mental and physical wellbeing. However, it can be very easy to forget to make time for self-care. That’s why I’ve created a 30-day self-care challenge, designed to help you prioritise yourself and your needs. As you commit to simple self-care tasks for 30 days, you’ll experience a ton of benefits. In this blog post, you’ll find a list of the 30 self-care tasks (plus a free printable!).

Why Self-Care is Important

Self-care involves intentionally engaging in activities that promote your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. It’s more than just bubble baths and face masks (although those can certainly be a part of it!), but is a focus on developing healthy habits that boost overall wellness. Consistently practising self-care can improve your ability to manage stress, enhance your relationships with others, and so much more. Read this post to find out why self-care is so important and its many benefits.

30-Day Self-Care Challenge

The aim of the 30-day self-care challenge is to help you make self-care a priority in your life. Each day, you’ll be given a new self-care task to complete. All of the tasks are designed to help you feel more relaxed, rejuvenated, and balanced.

A great thing about this 30-day challenge is the fact that all of the tasks are simple. They don’t require drastic measures or take up too much of your time. Remember: self-care can even be as simple as taking a power nap (yes — that’s included in this list!). The tasks in this challenge are straightforward and easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Even though these activities may be small, they can have a significant effect on your wellbeing.

I’ve also created a free printable of the challenge for Love, Telina newsletter subscribers. The printable includes the 30-day self-care challenge tasks. You’ll be able to print it out and then hang it up in your room, office, or anywhere else where you’ll be able to see it regularly. Simply subscribe to my newsletter to get a copy sent to you!

The 30-Day Self-Care Challenge Tasks:

1. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for

2. Create something

3. Read a book for 15 minutes

4. Call or text a loved one

5. Take a 15-minute walk outdoors

6. Do a random act of kindness

7. Bake a cake

8. Declutter a space in your home

9. Listen to your favourite song

10. Learn something new

11. Do an online workout

12. Watch the sunrise or sunset

13. Write down your goals

14. Try a DIY craft project

15. Drink a cup of herbal tea

16. Listen to a podcast

17. Get an early night

18. Try a new dinner recipe

19. Engage in prayer or quiet time

20. Create a vision board

21. Watch a movie or series

22. Write down your thoughts in a journal

23. Take a bubble bath

24. Have a break from social media

25. Stretch for 15 minutes

26. Make your favourite breakfast

27. Spend some time in nature

28. Make your own DIY face mask

29. Read motivational quotes

30. Take a power nap

Tips for Completing the Challenge

  • Commit to completing each task, even if it means changing up your schedule.
  • If you miss a day, don’t worry. Just pick up where you left off and keep going.
  • It can be fun to complete this challenge with a friend or family member, so don’t forget to share this post.
  • While the tasks in the challenge are designed to promote self-care, feel free to switch them up to fit your needs and interests.
  • Enjoy!

The 30-day self-care challenge is a great way to prioritise your wellbeing. So, why not give it a try?

30-Day Self-Care Challenge (Free Printable!)

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30-Day Self-Care Challenge (Free Printable!)


Telina is the writer behind, a book and lifestyle blog that aims to inspire you to embrace your love of reading and find joy in the everyday. You'll find book reviews, recommendations, reading advice, lifestyle content, and tips on living your best life.

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