Lifestyle Living

How to Do A Digital Declutter in 5 Easy Steps

Originally published on August 4, 2020 | Last updated on January 12, 2025

how to do a digital declutter in 5 easy stepsWhen we hear about decluttering, it tends to be focused on physical items such as clothes and books. But, have you ever considered cleaning out your digital life? Just like physical clutter, digital clutter becomes a problem when you can’t find the things you need and start feeling overwhelmed. Luckily, there are ways to simplify your digital life. In today’s post, I’m showing you how to do a digital declutter in 5 easy steps:

1. Clean up Your Inbox

It’s so important to keep your inbox organised. If you don’t maintain it and allow your emails to get out of control, you’ll be left feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Not to mention, unproductive. You should always try your best to keep your inbox at zero. A great way I like to achieve this is by sorting my emails into folders, so they are taken out of the primary inbox. Doing this will enable you to go through each topic at a time. If you use Gmail, you can set up your inbox to automatically sort your emails into folders as soon as they arrive — which is very handy.

2. Tidy Up Your Documents

If you can never find any of the documents you’re looking for, it’s time to tidy up the folders on your computer. Before you do anything, you need to go through all of your documents and delete any you no longer need. When I did a recent digital declutter, I found that due to the large amount of files I had to sort through, doing a little at a time was a lot more manageable. Once you know which documents you’re going to keep, place any that are just floating around into folders. This will make your life so much easier as you’ll know exactly where everything is. When it comes to storing your files, you’ll need to find a solution that works best for you — whether that’s cloud storage or an external hard drive.

3. Organise Your Photos

Images and videos take up a huge amount of space, so it’s a good idea to stay on top of them. Go through them, deleting any duplicates, blurry images or ones you simply don’t want to keep anymore. Next, organise your photos into folders and sort them by date or event. To store your photos, try saving them on a cloud drive so that you don’t use up all of the space on your phone or computer. I recommend using DropBox or OneDrive. You could always go non-digital and create a photo album to store some of your photos! I think there’s something lovely about flipping through a photo album and reminiscing about good times.

4. Streamline Your Social Media

Social media is definitely one of many people’s biggest distractions. It’s so easy to waste your time scrolling on a never-ending newsfeed. To start off, delete any people, pages or groups that you no longer want to follow. Doing this means that you only keep the stuff that matters on your newsfeed and as a result, you’ll spend less time on the site. If you feel uncomfortable “unfriending” someone, then you can always “mute” them instead. Remember, you get to choose the content you want to consume. Once I did this myself, I found that I was on social media a lot less.

5. Manage Your Apps

We’ve all been guilty of downloading too many apps and not using many of them. Go through the apps on your phone and delete any that have no value to you. If there’s an app that you haven’t opened in six months, then you most likely have no need for it. Do you have an app that you waste way too much time on? Maybe it’s time to get rid of it. Doing this will free up so much space on your phone and improve its performance. I also recommend turning push notifications off as they can become a huge distraction!

So that’s my best tips and tricks on how to do a digital declutter. What are you doing to declutter your digital life? I’d be interested to know!


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How to Do A Digital Declutter in 5 Easy Steps
How to Do A Digital Declutter in 5 Easy Steps


Telina is the writer behind, a cosy lifestyle blog celebrating the little joys that make life beautiful. You’ll find book reviews and recommendations, film picks, cosy home inspiration, simple living tips, and more.


  1. Ooh I feel quite proud of myself, I have managed to do 2.5 of your 5 things listed! Sorting out my photos is the one taking the most time, I decided to rename some folders – big mistake!

    1. It does take ages to go through photos. I’m glad I finally sorted through them as it saved me so much space!

  2. Kristine Nicole Alessandra says:

    Oh thank you for the reminder. I really have to clean up my email inbox. I have so many junk email that it is annoying to scroll through them. Another thing I should do is to streamline my Pinterest and IG accounts. It really needs to have a good decluttering.

    1. Yes — junk emails are the worst. I had to unsubscribe from so many unwanted newsletters/ bulk emails.

  3. Myrtle ince says:

    Hi telina
    Thank you for teaching us how to decluttering our digital.
    So that our stuff can be neat and tidy.
    And by doing that we have more energy and less stress.

  4. […] your photos, streamline your social media accounts and manage your app notifications. Doing a digital declutter is very beneficial and will save you so much time in the long run. When I did a recent digital […]

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