Everyday Life Living

5 Ways to Make Time for Healthy Habits

Originally published on May 20, 2019 | Last updated on January 12, 2025

5 Ways to Make Time for Healthy HabitsLack of time is one of the biggest obstacles to living a healthy lifestyle. When you’re always busy, it can be way too easy to forget to stay active and choose junk food over homecooked meals. In today’s post, I’m sharing some tactics for fitting in your health goals and finding the balance. Here’s 5 ways to make time for healthy habits:

1. Time Management

It’s very important to use your time productively. For a few days, keep a journal documenting what you do and when you do it. Then, evaluate. Maybe you’ll discover that you hit the snooze button a little too often in the mornings. Or, perhaps you’ll find out that certain tasks take longer than they should. You’ll then be able to figure out if you could be spending this time focusing on your health instead. Creating to-do lists and setting clear priorities at the start of each day is another great way to get things done. Write down everything you need to do, making sure to include your health goals. Try not to overload your to-do list with too many items — edit it down to your top few for a successful and productive day.

2. Prioritise + Focus

If you’re serious about getting healthier, then you will make it a priority in your life. When you have a lot on your plate due to a busy schedule, your health can get pushed to the back of your mind. Because of this, you have to make a conscious effort to take care of yourself. Yes, you may have work commitments that take up the majority of your time, but your health should be equally, if not more, important. And besides, when you’re healthier you’ll have a lot more energy for all aspects of your life.

3. Simplify

A healthy meal doesn’t have to take a long time to prepare. You can whip up a simple, nutritious meal in no time. Do you find yourself eating junk food at lunchtime? Instead, leftovers from dinner can be used. Or, you could throw together a quick salad. When it comes to exercise, it doesn’t have to look a certain way. Choosing to walk instead of driving or riding the bus can improve your physical health and even boost your mood.

4. Make It a Habit

They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. That means, if you start a healthy habit and stick to it for 21 days, there’s a high chance it will become second nature. However long it takes you, keep up the momentum and commit to your health goal. It is, however, important to be patient and realistic. Focusing on making huge changes at the very start will most likely leave you feeling disappointed. Instead, focus on small changes that will help you achieve goals rather than just the final results themselves. If you’re a new runner, you wouldn’t expect to run a marathon after a few days of practice. Slow but steady progress wins the race.

5. Sleep Well

Missing out on sleep makes you more likely to make poor decisions when it comes to your diet. Feeling super tired will also put you off exercising and staying fit. Getting a good night’s sleep is vital for your health and wellbeing. Experts recommend that adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep per night to function at their best. Not only will getting enough sleep give you the energy needed for workouts, but it will also improve your memory, productivity and mood. In addition, you’ll be able to wake up earlier, kick-start your morning and get things done.

Do you have any other ways to make time for healthy habits that you’d like to share? I’d love to know what works for you 🙂

5 ways to make time for healthy habits


Telina is the writer behind Telinapatricia.com, a book and lifestyle blog that aims to inspire you to embrace your love of reading and find joy in the everyday. You'll find book reviews, recommendations, reading advice, lifestyle content, and tips on living your best life.


  1. Simplify is definitely something I need to do, especially for breakfasts when I just don’t have the time in the morning x


    1. Yes, I find simplifying my morning routine very effective.

  2. Bryanna M says:

    very good advice, though hard to put into practice sometimes in my experience! will definitely focus on this more x

    1. Thank you. Yes it can be hard, but you just have to keep at it!

  3. very good advice! this is so great! I’ve learned that getting plenty of sleep and prepping before makes being healthy so much easier!
    – Amanda

    1. Thank you! I’m glad it’s been working for you.

  4. Briana Trevino says:

    Time management is seriously huge for me!


  5. Briana Trevino says:

    Time management is seriously huge for me!


  6. ‘Making it a habit’ Thats where I fall short. That and the patience required to wait for the benefits or results.

    1. Yep, it can be very hard to create new habits. I’ve found that focusing on making small changes is the best way to start.
      Thank you for commenting 🙂

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